I need to start somewhere

It always wanted, and never got to start writing about my professional life. In the past years, a discovered that I learn best when I explain it to someone else. It helps me reflect on my learnings.

In this case, my blog is my rubber duck, but for learning.

What topics do I want to cover

In May 2019 I am starting something new, leaving XING, and joining the ZINSLAND crew. We are up to great things. This is a new start, and I want to take the opportunity and write down some of my learnings and prepare for the new role.

The higher-level topic would be “Leadership in the context for Software Engineering”. I want to cover some of these areas:

  • How to lead a Team of Software Engineers
  • Self-Leadership
  • How to prepare for a new role as a manager
  • How to hire a new team
  • Discover yourself: What is the role of an Engineering Manager
  • My personal learnings so far

How I do it

In my past “attempts” to figure out how and what to write, I was soon entangled in technical problems. I didn’t even start to write. This time, I wanted to focus on the content and minimize the technical setup phase. After a short time-invest, it came down to this setup:

  • Free GIT repository with Bitbucket
  • Hugo as my general framework for writing markdown (written in GO, which I also find more and more compelling)
  • AllinOne Theme from Orianna with some custom modificatons
  • Netlify for static file hosting
  • Cloudflare for my DNS management
  • Grammarly for spellchecking (I am not a native English speaker)